The story of Zapata Racing® begins in 1998, lead masterfully by Franky Zapata, Zapata Racing® was a high performing PWC competition team.
Quickly noticed in 1999 by the biggest PWC brands, Zapata Racing® became the factory Team for BRP, representing the impact of the brand on an international scale.
With 6 European titles and 2 world champion trophies, with a wealth of experience in the VNM world and expertise in hydro-propulsion, the Zapata Racing® team became the official brand of PWC Product in 2008.
From design to development and through to production, Zapata Racing® has become from its launch, a leader of the VNM market “Made In France”. Winning most of the bigger world championship titles, the firm is pursuing its development offering new arm and saddle VNM projects, dedicated to competition as well as leisure use.
Guided by passion and success, Franky Zapata is now leading a new challenge in innovation and uniqueness for the future of the firm. After many hydro-propelled machines tests being held in 2011 and with the massive support of the public, the production and the worldwide marketing of the Flyboard® is only limited by the quantity of units produced.
Since its market launch, more than a hobby, Flyboard® has become an entire sport in its own right, confirmed by of the organization of the first Flyboard® World Cup in Qatar 2012. A competition held every year and was last held in Dubai 2014, rocketing the Flyboard® and the Hoverboard by ZR® to become one of the leaders in the world of hydro-sports.
In 2014, Zapata Racing® entered a new dimension with the release of the Hoverboard by ZR®. Carried by its dynamism, a new fraternity is born of Hoverboard riders and enthusiasts all over the world.
As for the future, Zapata Racing® is dedicated to working on the creation, development and marketing of hydro-propelled machines; such as the Flyboard® and Hoverboard by ZR®, to satisfy athletes coming from all the disciplines looking for new sensations.
With more than 40 million views of Flyboard® and Hoverboard videos on the internet and being seen in the most prestigious commercial ads, such a slot during the United States Super Bowl, the reputation of Zapata Racing® has reached its heights.
Strengthened by a network of distributers and rental points present over the 5 continents, Zapata Racing® has yet to realize its wildest dreams, creating new innovating machines that come straight out of the comic books!