The season is upon us when we take time to reflect on the many things for which we are grateful: Family, friends, our staff, athletes, sponsors, host cities, our health and the freedom we enjoy as Americans.

The nation's oldest celebration of gratitude, Thanksgiving Day, was designated by Pres. Abraham Lincoln as an official holiday in 1863. So this time when we traditionally give thanks, please allow me on behalf of the entire Pro Watercross crew to thank all of you and extend best wishes for a wonderful holiday season!

Please enjoy the Pro Watercross TV show...
 Hydro Turf Pro Watercross Tour - 2014 Panama City Beach, FL
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Coming soon - Pro Watercross Membership...
The Pro Watercross Tour welcomes Delta Airlines to its membership program! Delta will offer discounts to flights to and from Pro Watercross Tour Stops.

Keep checking back to the Pro Watercross website for more membership benefits!
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On Tour...

We are zeroing in on another west coast tour stop in June. We hope to have in finalized before the end of the year.

This tour stop will give our west coast competitors the opportunity to bring their family and friends to see what the Pro Watercross Tour is all about...

This new event will need a great name, if you have an idea for naming this event - let us know. Email us at
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World Championship

The Pro Watercross world championship race has been narrowed down to fours cities and will take place in September this coming year.

We'll keep you posted as details emerge...